Don't think about What They think of you so much. Think more of How You can change your Appearance (Physical and Inward).
AnonymousApr 27 2014 8:25pmFLAGNB3 i just said if u dont have anything nice to say then dont say it at all
carmelgirlisbadApr 28 2014 4:54amFLAGwhat did i say?
NB3Apr 28 2014 10:15amFLAGMabey, turn slutty. You will get plenty of friends.
AnonymousApr 28 2014 11:47amFLAGacting slutty will improve your rep As A Slut for the rest of your life. Be modest and just talk to people like a normal person.
AnonymousApr 28 2014 2:16pmFLAG
NB3 u called me a d*ck