Fantasy Hoops



Me and My friend

The Problem: Hi, so me and my friend Sam are having a sleep over and like we are good friends, and I have been like attracted to him for a while and we cuddled once and I just gave in to being what should i do? like we are sleeping in the same bed at this sleep over...should I pull some type of move?!! help!!!

Asked by: mp98 at 08:02:43 PM, Sunday, December 15, 2013 EST FLAG


Yes make a move just slowly start putting your hand down his side and down his leg he'll get the hint

Anonymous Dec 15 2013 5:26pm FLAG

Should I really? Shouldnt it be more suttle? Like we are gonna be sleeping in the same bed....

mp98 Dec 15 2013 5:27pm FLAG
Well tell him you just wana cuddle to stay warm and maby bring it up on convo to be a lil more suttle.

Anonymous Dec 15 2013 5:30pm FLAG
thats what I was thinking. I was thinking about just grinding into him....or is that too much?

mp98 Dec 15 2013 5:32pm FLAG
No that will work it would on me

Anonymous Dec 15 2013 5:35pm FLAG
perfect. maybe i will give him a lil rubbie too afterwards hehe ;)

mp98 Dec 15 2013 5:35pm FLAG
Kid don't listen to that other guy. Look if you think you have feelings for him and U two are close, talk to him about it. Touching and weird sexual acts really arent the way to get your feelings across.

Anonymous Jan 05 2014 3:40pm FLAG
Give advice:

