Cj you on today?
The Problem: Hey baby
Asked by: drewmillz28 at
05:32:48 PM, Wednesday, November 06, 2013 EST
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Guess this song .o.
The Problem: You and i go hard, At each other like were going to war, You and i go rough, We keep throwing things, And slamming doors, You and i get so, Damn dysfunctional we stop keepin score, You and i get sick, Yah we know we just cant do this no more, Eh and baby there you go again there you go again makin me love you,Yah i stop usin my head usin my head let it go, Got you stuck on my body on my body like a tattoo, And now im feelin stupid feelin stupid crawlin back to you.
Asked by: Crazybitchc: at 03:25:PM, Wednesday, November 06, 20PST FLAG
I was standing at our kitchen sink, filling up my water bottle, when my roommate walks out of his room holding a cup. He came up and stood right next to me at the sink and then without saying a word, he moved his cup above my water bottle so he could fill it with water. I made a WTF face (you can't wait another 4 seconds while I finish using the sink??) and backed up. He continued to stand there, taking a sip of his water and looking at me, and then went back into his room without once saying anything. This stuff has happened before. He just comes up behind me and doesn't say a word. Sometimes I'll be cooking and he'll like stand there reading the pasta box or whatever over my shoulder and then I notice him and I'm like WTF dude. Or I'll sit at the kitchen table doing homework and he comes out, gets a glass of water, stands there drinking it and staring at me, and silently leaves when he's finished. I guess basically what I'm saying is that I think my roommate is plotting my death. I think it's possible that he's on the autism scale (I have several other reasons to think this) and just doesn't read social interactions the same way I do, but dude is creeping me out. Like, we were kind of friends before we became roommates, and we still have conversations and hang out once in awhile. He hasn't always been this way. But this is becoming more frequent and I'm starting to hate living with him.
Anonymous 1 minute ago FLAG
I was standing at our kitchen sink, filling up my water bottle, when my roommate walks out of his room holding a cup. He came up and stood right next to me at the sink and then without saying a word, he moved his cup above my water bottle so he could fill it with water. I made a WTF face (you can't wait another 4 seconds while I finish using the sink??) and backed up. He continued to stand there, taking a sip of his water and looking at me, and then went back into his room without once saying anything. This stuff has happened before. He just comes up behind me and doesn't say a word. Sometimes I'll be cooking and he'll like stand there reading the pasta box or whatever over my shoulder and then I notice him and I'm like WTF dude. Or I'll sit at the kitchen table doing homework and he comes out, gets a glass of water, stands there drinking it and staring at me, and silently leaves when he's finished. I guess basically what I'm saying is that I think my roommate is plotting my death. I think it's possible that he's on the autism scale (I have several other reasons to think this) and just doesn't read social interactions the same way I do, but dude is creeping me out. Like, we were kind of friends before we became roommates, and we still have conversations and hang out once in awhile. He hasn't always been this way. But this is becoming more frequent and I'm starting to hate living with him. I was standing at our kitchen sink, filling up my water bottle, when my roommate walks out of his room holding a cup. He came up and stood right next to me at the sink and then without saying a word, he moved his cup above my water bottle so he could fill it with water. I made a WTF face (you can't wait another 4 seconds while I finish using the sink??) and backed up. He continued to stand there, taking a sip of his water and looking at me, and then went back into his room without once saying anything.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz This stuff has happened before. He just comes up behind me and doesn't say a word. Sometimes I'll be cooking and he'll like stand there reading the pasta box or whatever over my shoulder and then I notice him and I'm like WTF dude. Or I'll sit at the kitchen table doing homework and he comes out, gets a glass of water, stands there drinking it and staring at me, and silently leaves when he's finished. I guess basically what I'm saying is that I think my roommate is plotting my death. I think it's possible that he's on the autism scale (I have several other reasons to think this) and just doesn't read social interactions the same way I do, but dude is creeping me out. Like, we were kind of friends before we became roommates, and we still have conversations and hang out once in awhile. He hasn't always been this way. But this is becoming more frequent and I'm starting to hate living with him.
Anonymous 33 seconds ago FLAGI was standing at our kitchen sink, filling up my water bottle, when my roommate walks out of his room holding a cup. He came up and stood right next to me at the sink and then without saying a word, he moved his cup above my water bottle so he could fill it with water. I made a WTF face (you can't wait another 4 seconds while I finish using the sink??) and backed up. He continued to stand there, taking a sip of his water and looking at me, and then went back into his room without once saying anything. This stuff has happened before. He just comes up behind me and doesn't say a word. Sometimes I'll be cooking and he'll like stand there reading the pasta box or whatever over my shoulder and then I notice him and I'm like WTF dude. Or I'll sit at the kitchen table doing homework and he comes out, gets a glass of water, stands there drinking it and staring at me, and silently leaves when he's finished. I guess basically what I'm saying is that I think my roommate is plotting my death. I think it's possible that he's on the autism scale (I have several other reasons to think this) and just doesn't read social interactions the same way I do, but dude is creeping me out. Like, we were kind of friends before we became roommates, and we still have conversations and hang out once in awhile. He hasn't always been this way. But this is becoming more frequent and I'm starting to hate living with him. I was standing at our kitchen sink, filling up my water bottle, when my roommate walks out of his room holding a cup. He came up and stood right next to me at the sink and then without saying a word, he moved his cup above my water bottle so he could fill it with water. I made a WTF face (you can't wait another 4 seconds while I finish using the sink??) and backed up. He continued to stand there, taking a sip of his water and looking at me, and then went back into his room without once saying anything.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz This stuff has happened before. He just comes up behind me and doesn't say a word. Sometimes I'll be cooking and he'll like stand there reading the pasta box or whatever over my shoulder and then I notice him and I'm like WTF dude. Or I'll sit at the kitchen table doing homework and he comes out, gets a glass of water, stands there drinking it and staring at me, and silently leaves when he's finished. I guess basically what I'm saying is that I think my roommate is plotting my death. I think it's possible that he's on the autism scale (I have several other reasons to think this) and just doesn't read social interactions the same way I do, but dude is creeping me out. Like, we were kind of friends before we became roommates, and we still have conversations and hang out once in awhile. He hasn't always been this way. But this is becoming more frequent and I'm starting to hate living with him. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Anonymous Nov 06 2013 3:30pm FLAG